Delta Magic Wildlife Attractant is a blend of agricultural grains, both natural and artificial, flavors, natural sugars, and salt. It is designed with long range aromatics to get deer’s attention and a flavor to keep them coming back for more. Delta Magic products will attract deer, hogs, bears, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, rabbits, squirrels, and turkeys.
Delta Magic Wildlife Attractant is NOT a feed; it is an ATTRACTANT. If it is used as a feed, such as corn or rice bran, expect your deer herd to eventually treat it as such and come in when THEY want to and not when YOU want them to. The “TRICK,” which may take a couple of days to accomplish, is to make an application and let your herd become familiar with the smell and the taste.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Any of the Delta Magic products can be mixed with corn or rice bran, but expect the best results when used by themselves. Simply open the bag and pour half the contents on dry ground, stumps or logs. After the first application (about ½ of the bag) has been consumed, make a second application. Once this has been consumed, your herd should be well aware of what they are getting when they smell it. FROM THIS POINT, THE ONLY TIME YOU WANT THEM TO SMELL IT IS WHEN YOU ARE IN YOUR STAND. Apply prior to each hunt.
NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION! This bag and all plastic bags pose a choking hazard to children. Keep this and all bags out of reach of children and small pets.
INGREDIENTS: Corn and rice products, natural sugars, both natural and artificial flavorings, salt. (This product is bagged by weight, not by volume.)